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Just be friends【English.ver】

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Just be friends Just be friends
All we gotta do All we gotta do
Just be friends Just be friends
It's time to say goodbye It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends Just be friends
All we gotta do All we gotta do
Just be friends Just be friends Just be friends... Just be friends Just be friends Just be friends...
All we gotta do All we gotta do
Just be friends Just be friends
It's time to say goodbye It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends Just be friends
All we gotta do All we gotta do
Just be friends Just be friends Just be friends... Just be friends Just be friends Just be friends...
All we gotta do All we gotta do
Just be friends Just be friends
It's time to say goodbye It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends Just be friends
All we gotta do All we gotta do
Just be friends Just be friends Just be friends... Just be friends Just be friends Just be friends...
All we gotta do All we gotta do
Just be friends Just be friends
It's time to say goodbye It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends Just be friends
All we gotta do All we gotta do
Just be friends Just be friends Just be friends... Just be friends Just be friends Just be friends...
Just be friends~ Just be friends~
昨日清晨,他最终还是来临 Early morning yesterday it finally ocurred to me
就像散落在四处的拼图 Just like a puzzle where I had placed every single piece.
我不知如何应对 And now I don't know what to do-
既然预见了二人的未来 Now that I see what we're both moving to-
那这就是共同祈祷和希望的结果吗? Is this the point in time where we both prayed and hoped we'd be?
我明白了,就在我的心底 Somehow I knew that from the deepest reaches of my heart.
最艰难的选择 会是最好的选择 The hardest choice would be the choice that tea us both apart.
我知道我无法忽视 过去的种种感觉 And now I know I can't ignore all the feelings that I've felt before.
想知道为何我未曾在一开始就告诉你 I wonder why I never tried to tell you from the start.
我们的周围,世界正缓缓落下 Here in the world of ou that's slowly falling all around us.
我们试图前进,这是我们能做的最好的 We're trying to move on,but it's the best we can do.
我们的幸福褪色、笑容消退 Our happiness fading and smiles evading.
真相隐于谎言中 The truth within the lie.
如今我们之间只剩下歇斯底里 Now all I here are screams between us
回响、反射、余音 不绝于脑中 Resounding and bouncing the echoes throughout my mind.
毫无剩余 线的另一端空空如也 Nothing remai, nothing is left at the end of the line.
毫在牵挂的两端 我们殆尽了彼此的时间 At the end of our chain, we've both run out of time.
命运使你我相遇 So was it fate that brought us together?
只是为了告诉我们爱并不永恒? Only to remind us that love's not forever?
我说:“你知道的。” “生活就是以这种方式进行。” I said, "You know that's how it goes.That's just the way that life is."
所以并不后悔 所以Baby不要烦恼 你知道我讨厌看到你哭泣 So no regrets,Baby, don't fret.You know I hate to see you cry.
昨晚的安静时分助我找回了想法 Last night a quiet moment helped me bring my thoughts around.
从地上拾起凋落的花瓣毫无意义 No see in picking fallen petals up from off the ground.
我们情愿相信此花不会再度盛开 This flower's past its bloom and you know that we can both assume
二人在时光荏苒中前进,那并非我本意 Our time is gone,let's move along. It was never meant to be.
若你记得相遇的夏天,一切足矣 Don't you remember the fit summer it was all worthwhile.
共度的每一刻让是否你微笑过? Every moment that we spent together made you smile?
不顾对方感受的争吵不曾忆起 Fights that we won't recall with no regard to how we felt at all
残酷的话语、做出的蠢事,彼此都清楚结局 Our words were cruel,we played the fool. The end is on our minds.
随着我们的每天缓缓地度过 And with every single day that passes slowly by us.
我什么也做不了 做什么也无法补救 There's nothing I can do. Nothing I can do for us.
我会一直爱着你,一直想着你 I will always love you and I'll always think of you.
但我不得不告诉你 But I have to tell you now
噢,我内心的某处正下着倾盆大雨 Oh,somewhere deep in my heart it's raining
阴云留下来,将我从你身边拉开 The clouds are remaining to drown me away from you.
我一直是被迫的,但已经受够了。心碎的疼痛仍然在这里 I'm driven,but I've have enough. Our broken heartache's still here.
无论怎样,它似乎都不会消失 It seems that no matter what it simply won't disappear.
两人的羁绊最终破碎 The bond between us has finally broken.
太多的话说不出口 我们逐渐分离得很远 There's too much upoken. We're falling so far apart.
再见,我的爱人,一切都结束了 永别,爱过的人,这就是终结了 Goodbye,my love It's done,sweetheart Sayonara,it's the end.
启程之时已到,不要回首,我的朋友 It is time to depart and we will never look back,my friend.
如果有机会,哪怕一次也好 Just this one time. Oh,this one time.
如果我能许愿于流星 If I could make a wish upon a fallen star.
若愿望能成真,我仍想伴君左右 If it came true,I'd stay with you.
你我永远相伴 Always forever you and I together~
如今我们之间只剩下歇斯底里 Now all I hear are screams between us
回响、反射、余音 不绝于脑中 Resounding and bouncing the echoes throughout my mind.
毫无剩余,线的另一端空空如也 Nothing remai,nothing is left at the end of the line.
在牵挂的两端,我们殆尽了彼此的时间 At the end of our chain,we've both run out of time.
两人的羁绊最终破碎 The bond between us has finally broken.
太多的话说不出口 我们逐渐分离得很远 There's too much upoken.We're falling so far apart.
再见,我的爱人,一切都结束了 永别,爱过的人,这就是终结了 Goodbye,my love It's done,sweetheart Sayonara,it's the end.
到了分别的时候了 但你总会是我最好的朋友 It is time to depart but you will always be my best friend.
我们之间结束了 Baby,it's over for us now~


  1. 1 楼 老梅森

    Just be friends

    Just be friends All we gotta do
    Just be friends It’s time to say goodbye
    Just be friends All we gotta do
    Just be friends Just be friends…

    浮现于脑海的 是昨日清晨 匆匆忙忙的样子
    像是为了集起 摔落满地的 玻璃碎片

    我是知道的啊 在内心深处 最为痛苦的 就是最佳选择
    每次为了自我保护而拒绝那样的答案 最终总让自我伤害循环上演

    便是将心头褪去色彩的 属于你的笑颜

    声嘶力竭的喊叫 回声 残响 空荡地回响
    在挣脱束缚的那个瞬间 便什么都不会留下
    你我间重叠的机缘 转场 断线 终究是过眼云烟

    All we gotta do Just be friends
    It’s time to say goodbye Just be friends
    All we gotta do Just be friends
    Just be friends Just be friends…

    突然间察觉的 是在昨日 宁静的夜晚中
    轻轻地拾起 零落满地的 点点花瓣

    回想起了 初次相遇的季节 和你温柔笑颜
    但现实碾碎了回忆 你我无休止的伤害已达底线

    如此的悲伤 心意却不曾改变
    明明一直爱着你 明明不愿离开你

    心中落下倾盆大雨 呆然 悚然 视线也染上一片模糊
    那份痛楚理应有所觉悟 可这副躯体依然被其洞穿
    你我间缠绕的羁绊 盛开 凋零 在日常中渐渐消亡
    再见吧我曾深爱的人 到此为止吧 我会迈出不再回头的步伐的

    一次就好 仅仅一次就好 若是心愿能得以实现
    无论在这世上几番轮回 也要和那天的你再度相逢

    声嘶力竭的喊叫 回声 残响 空荡地回响
    在挣脱束缚的那个瞬间 便什么都不会留下
    你我间缠绕的羁绊 盛开 凋零 在日常中渐渐消亡
    再见吧我曾深爱的人 到此为止吧 我会迈出不再回头的步伐的

    Just be friends All we gotta do
    Just be friends Just be friends…It’s time to say goodbye
    Just be friends All we gotta do
    Just be friends It’s time to say good
    Just be friends All we gotta do
    Just be friends It’s time to say good
    Just be friends

    2015年08月01日 02:35:57 回复


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战姬绝唱Live 2016中你最喜欢的字幕特效?

  • M1 Exterminate (8%, 30 张票)
  • M2 星天ギャラクシィクロス (3%, 11 张票)
  • M3 不死鳥のフランメ (7%, 26 张票)
  • M4 SENSE OF DISTANCE (1%, 5 张票)
  • M5 Just Loving X-Edge (5%, 16 张票)
  • M6 Edge works of Goddess ZABABA (3%, 10 张票)
  • M7 ORBITAL BEAT (ver.ZABABA) (1%, 4 张票)
  • M8 おきてがみ (3%, 9 张票)
  • M9 陽だまりメモリア (0%, 0 张票)
  • M10 歪鏡・シェンショウジン (3%, 9 张票)
  • M11 銀腕・アガートラーム (1%, 4 张票)
  • M12 純白イノセント (3%, 9 张票)
  • M13 Rebirth-day (1%, 4 张票)
  • M14 TRUST HEART (1%, 5 张票)
  • M15 繋いだ手だけが紡ぐもの (1%, 4 张票)
  • M16 放課後キーホルダー (2%, 7 张票)
  • M17 BAYONET CHARGE (2%, 6 张票)
  • M18 Beyond the BLADE (2%, 8 张票)
  • M19 空へ… (8%, 27 张票)
  • M20 Glorious Break (2%, 8 张票)
  • M21 殲琴・ダウルダブラ (4%, 13 张票)
  • M22 tomorrow (2%, 7 张票)
  • M23 リトルミラクル -Grip it tight- (1%, 4 张票)
  • M24 限界突破G-beat (1%, 4 张票)
  • M25 撃槍・ガングニール (2%, 7 张票)
  • M26 いつかの虹、花の想い出 (3%, 12 张票)
  • M27 始まりの歌(バベル) (6%, 23 张票)
  • EN1 RADIANT FORCE (6%, 21 张票)
  • EN2 「ありがとう」を唄いながら (5%, 19 张票)
  • EN3 FIRST LOVE SONG (2%, 8 张票)
  • EN4 虹色のフリューゲル (10%, 36 张票)

投票总人数: 216

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